Drum Roll Please…

Entourage Yearbooks is proud to announce our Virtual School Photo Cloud! Collect all your student portraits from the safety of your own homes! Using only a computer or a cellphone your students can take portrait style photos and have them uploaded directly to your photo galleries! With ease, you can crop and clip out the backgrounds to create a uniformed, professional look!



School Photo Cloud is a simple, cloud-based service that allows schools to easily manage student profile photos. Through an entirely virtual process, students can submit their own photos to rosters uploaded by a school. Student profile photos can then be downloaded, making the software a great solution for schools with yearbook or student ID concerns. Created by the software developers at Entourage Yearbooks, School Photo Cloud offers schools a simplified version of organizing their school photo days.



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For more information about Entourage Yearbooks partnering with School Photo Cloud, please contact our team at help@schoolphotocloud.com or call 888-926-6571 for immediate assistance. And as always you can reach the Indiana representative Chase Moser at chase.moser@entourageyearbooks.com